kasmāc ca te na nameran mahātman
garīyase brahmaṇo ’py ādi-kartre
ananta deveśa jagan-nivāsa
tvam akṣaraṁ sad-asat tat paraṁ yat
kasmāt — why; ca — also; te — unto You; na — not; nameran — they should offer proper obeisances; mahā-ātman — O great one; garīyase — who are better; brahmaṇaḥ — than Brahmā; api — although; ādi-kartre — to the supreme creator; ananta — O unlimited; deva-īśa — O God of the gods; jagat-nivāsa — O refuge of the universe; tvam — You are; akṣaram — imperishable; sat-asat — to cause and effect; tat param — transcendental; yat — because.
O great one, greater even than Brahmā, You are the original creator. Why then should they not offer their respectful obeisances unto You? O limitless one, God of gods, refuge of the universe! You are the invincible source, the cause of all causes, transcendental to this material manifestation.
. . .
कस्माच्च ते न नमेरन्महात्मन्
गरीयसे ब्रह्मणोऽप्यादिकर्त्रे ।
अनन्त देवेश जगन्निवास
त्वमक्षरं सदसत्तत्परं यत् ॥ ३७ ॥