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śrotraṁ cakṣuḥ sparśanaṁ ca
rasanaṁ ghrāṇam eva ca
adhiṣṭhāya manaś cāyaṁ
viṣayān upasevate
śrotram — ears; cakṣuḥ — eyes; sparśanam — touch; ca — also; rasanam — tongue; ghrāṇam — smelling power; eva — also; ca — and; adhiṣṭhāya — being situated in; manaḥ — mind; ca — also; ayam — he; viṣayān — sense objects; upasevate — enjoys.
The living entity, thus taking another gross body, obtains a certain type of ear, eye, tongue, nose and sense of touch, which are grouped about the mind. He thus enjoys a particular set of sense objects.
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श्रोत्रं चक्षु: स्पर्शनं च रसनं घ्राणमेव च ।
अधिष्ठाय मनश्चायं विषयानुपसेवते ॥ ९ ॥
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