śrī-bhagavān uvāca
idaṁ tu te guhya-tamaṁ
pravakṣyāmy anasūyave
jñānaṁ vijñāna-sahitaṁ
yaj jñātvā mokṣyase ’śubhāt
śrī-bhagavān uvāca — the Supreme Personality of Godhead said; idam — this; tu — but; te — unto you; guhya-tamam — the most confidential; pravakṣyāmi — I am speaking; anasūyave — to the nonenvious; jñānam — knowledge; vijñāna — realized knowledge; sahitam — with; yat — which; jñātvā — knowing; mokṣyase — you will be released; aśubhāt — from this miserable material existence.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence.
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इदं तु ते गुह्यतमं प्रवक्ष्याम्यनसूयवे ।
ज्ञानं विज्ञानसहितं यज्ज्ञात्वा मोक्ष्यसेऽशुभात् ॥ १ ॥