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rāgī karma-phala-prepsur
lubdho hiṁsātmako ’śuciḥ
harṣa-śokānvitaḥ kartā
rājasaḥ parikīrtitaḥ
rāgī — very much attached; karma-phala — the fruit of the work; prepsuḥ — desiring; lubdhaḥ — greedy; hiṁsā-ātmakaḥ — always envious; aśuciḥ — unclean; harṣa-śoka-anvitaḥ — subject to joy and sorrow; kartā — such a worker; rājasaḥ — in the mode of passion; parikīrtitaḥ — is declared.
The worker who is attached to work and the fruits of work, desiring to enjoy those fruits, and who is greedy, always envious, impure, and moved by joy and sorrow, is said to be in the mode of passion.
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रागी कर्मफलप्रेप्सुर्लुब्धो हिंसात्मकोऽशुचि: ।
हर्षशोकान्वित: कर्ता राजस: परिकीर्तित: ॥ २७ ॥
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