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in New Jersey

00:00 / 00:25

vedeṣu yajñeṣu tapaḥsu caiva
dāneṣu yat puṇya-phalaṁ pradiṣṭam
atyeti tat sarvam idaṁ viditvā
yogī paraṁ sthānam upaiti cādyam

vedeṣu — in the study of the Vedas; yajñeṣu — in the performances of yajña, sacrifice; tapaḥsu — in undergoing different types of austerities; ca — also; eva — certainly; dāneṣu — in giving charities; yat — that which; puṇya-phalam — result of pious work; pradiṣṭam — indicated; atyeti — surpasses; tat sarvam — all those; idam — this; viditvā — knowing; yogī — the devotee; param — supreme; sthānam — abode; upaiti — achieves; ca — also; ādyam — original.

A person who accepts the path of devotional service is not bereft of the results derived from studying the Vedas, performing sacrifices, undergoing austerities, giving charity or pursuing philosophical and fruitive activities. Simply by performing devotional service, he attains all these, and at the end he reaches the supreme eternal abode.



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वेदेषु यज्ञेषु तप:सु चैव
दानेषु यत्पुण्यफलं प्रदिष्टम् ।
अत्येति तत्सर्वमिदं विदित्वा
योगी परं स्थानमुपैति चाद्यम् ॥ २८ ॥

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